Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Starting Out

I guess this is my blog.
Not a lot to say. I've got lots of medical challenges. My great-grandmother, my mother, my uncle & I all have either fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue (did you know it could be inherited)? I have Lyme & Babesia (another tick-borne disease like Lyme). I recently tested positive for West Nile in the "active" stage, but now I'm negative. My husband says that's a bit presumptive; it really should be the best two out of three :-)

The latest diagnosis is Celiac disease. That makes SOOOO much sense; it explains the "Skinny Binny" I was until I turned 40yo & the fact that I was bloated & had a belly ache every night of my life. I normally gain two dress sizes during the day (ie sz9/10 becomes sz11 then 13). Four miscarriages would be a common result of untreated celiac, and osteoporosis at 40yo. Gall bladder quit & was removed shortly thereafter.

So now I'm looking for low carb, gluten free recipes.

Truthful L. Kindness & Blessing the wheelchair Service Dog
My first SrvDog, Hero, died recently. I wrote prose for him, etc at